Finding The Fun As An Actor

Finding The Fun As An Actor


Kimberly Jentzen

When someone is having fun, it is contagious.

I can watch anyone having a good time at anything and enjoy watching them. Whether it\’s brick laying, running a marathon, or performing a monologue — if the person performing any of those tasks is enjoying their process, I enjoy observing them living in the moment, doing what they do. I also enjoy watching them executing it with passion and a sense of pride. The passion for executing the art and craft of acting isn\’t about getting attention, or becoming rich or famous in Hollywood.It\’s about discovering passion and enjoying the actual process of the work… listening and give-and-take that all acting requires.

I often equate finding the fun to sports.


Imagine you are skiing down a slope – you feel the wind in your face, see the snow on the mountain and hear the sounds around you. Adreneline is racing thru your body and a huge smile appears on your face as you make your way down. The passion for skiiing makes you feel alive; adrenelin racing through your veins. This is being in the moment, living in pure joy. You really love skiing and it shows on your face and in your essense. This feeling is contagious and affects others around you.

The same goes for music or even science.

Think about how it makes you feelwhen a great singer enjoys the pleasure of expressing their emotion through song, the sheer enjoyment is contagious–or when a scientist is fascinated with a discovery under the microscope–or a football player crossing the goal line–the feeling of victory is contagious to the fans. How about when you or a co-worker nails a presentation at work, or you plant a vegetable garden and get to harvest what you planted… Anything that involves pleasure in life is a pleasure to witness.

When you are awakened to the source of WHY you love the process of your artistic expression, you are inspired and your execution in the acting will be inspired as well.

The first step in pouring your passion into your art is realizing why you love creating in the first place. Ask yourself, \”Why did I want to become an actor?\” If the answer is anything less than \”Because I am passionate about acting\”, you may want to reassess or rediscover what it is you truly love about the art.

Make the choice to submerge yourself in acting – take acting classes, perform scenes and monologues, audition, audition, audition; go to the theater and experience great performances on stage, watch television and movies on the big screen. I always tell my actors in class, \”emotions are contageous\” and working actors do what they are passionate about. And guess what? The audience gets to experience the range of emotions too!

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